erin is crafting meaningful experiences through

communication and empathy

lucid software product research summaries
I summarize hundreds of user touchpoints to represent the overall experience of Lucid users. By presenting to various levels of the company, I've learned how to best present complex information to a wide audience.
lucidspark sharing participatory design
I ran participatory design interviews to better understand Lucidspark users' expectations around sharing. Unexpected feedback taught me to always be flexible during structured interview sessions.
team spaces pain validation interviews
I facilitated several rounds of interviews to validate the initial concept of Lucid's Team Spaces. Working under time constraints taught me the importance of planning and listening to team members' feedback.
ethical icon survey and usability testing
I coordinated surveys and usability tests to help guide the design, branding and messaging for a new sustainable shopping startup. The friction I saw in our testing showed me the importance of storytelling in concept validation.
detroit public television website redesign
I redesigned multiple websites, through data analysis, site maps, wireframes and mockups. Difficulties with the design system taught me how to stay flexible when plans suddenly shift.
michigan legal help website redesign
I analyzed their website and coordinated usability tests to measure behavior and satisfaction. Meeting the user where they needed help the most taught me the importance of strong community outreach strategies.
volunteering highlights
I donate my time to non-profits through virtual volunteering platforms like Catchafire and social design events in my community. These short-term projects teach me how to use my skills to make big impact in a small timeframe.
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